


Disabled Service Organization (DSO) is a non-profit making working with the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) of Doti district in Nepal. Carrying a goal to leading PWD towards equitable, independent, inclusive, and empowered society. DSO is implementing Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) project in Jorayal Rural municipality, Doti in partnership and technical support from United Mission to Nepal, Doti cluster. Position: Project Coordinator - 1 Location: Jorayal Rural Municipality DSO’s aim is to contribute to develop inclusive society, social justice, raising awareness on safe and secure communities for people/children with disabilities. The main purpose of this job is to educate, empower and…
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अपाङ्ग सेवा संघ, डोटीद्वारा स्वास्थ्य सामाग्री सहयोग

अपाङ्ग सेवा संघ, डोटीद्वारा स्वास्थ्य सामाग्री सहयोग

अपाङ्ग सेवा संघ, डोटीले जोरायल गाउँपालिकालाई आठ लाख ६२ हजार ९९ बराबरको स्वास्थ्य सामग्री सहयोग गरेको छ । यू.एम.एन. डोटी क्लष्टरको साझेदारीमा उक्त गाउँपालिकामा सञ्चालित “समुदायमा आधारित पुर्नस्थापना” परियोजना अन्तर्गत उक्त सामग्री वितरण गरिएको हो । अहिले काभिड–१९ को महामारीले देशलाई र नेपाली जनतालाई आर्थिक, भौतिक, सामाजिक र स्वास्थ्य अवस्थामा निकै ठुलो असर पारिरहेको छ र यस डोटी जिल्लामा पनि कोभिड संक्रमितको संख्यामा वृद्धि भैरहेको विषम परिस्थितिमा यस महामारीसँग जुध्न र रोकथाम गर्न फ्रन्टलाइनमा सेवा गर्ने नेपाल सरकारका कार्यरत स्वास्थ्य कर्मचारीहरुको सहायता र सुरक्षाको लागि उक्त स्वास्थ्य सामग्री वितरण वितरण गरिएको हो । वितरण गरिएका सामग्रीहरुमा एन्टिजेन टेष्ट किट २००,…
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Vacancy  Announcement

Vacancy Announcement

Disabled Service Organization (DSO) is a nonprofit making disabled people's organization, which serves the People with Disabilities (PWD) of Doti district in Nepal, leading them towards equitable, independent, inclusive and empowered society. DSO is implementing Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) project in Jorayal Rural municipality, Doti in partnership and technical support of United Mission to Nepal Doti cluster. Position: Project Coordinator (based in Jorayal Rural Municipality)DSO’s key areas, and aims to contribute to inclusive society, social justice, raising awareness on safe and secure communities for people/children with disabilities. The main purpose of this job is to educate, empower and enhance the…
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प्राथमिक पुर्नस्थापना थेरापी सम्बन्धी तालिम सम्पन्न

प्राथमिक पुर्नस्थापना थेरापी सम्बन्धी तालिम सम्पन्न

जनवरी १६ देखि १८, २०२१ मा जोरायल गाउँपालिकाका १, २, ३ र ४ नम्बर वडामा अपाङ्ग सेवा संघ डोटी र यूनाईटेड मिसन टु नेपाल डोटी क्लष्टरको साझेदारी सहयोगमा सञ्चालित समुदायमा आधारित पुनर्स्थापना कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत प्राथमिक पुर्नस्थापना थेरापी सम्बन्धी तालिम सम्पन्न भयो । अपाङ्गता रोकथाम र अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरुलाई प्राथमिक पुर्नस्थापना थेरापी सेन्टरमा प्रेशण गर्ने उद्देश्यका साथ उक्त वडाहरूका स्वाथ्यकर्मी, आमा समुहका अगुवा र महिला स्वाथ्य स्वयम सेविकाका लागि तालिम सञ्चालन गरिएको थियो । तालिममा अपाङ्गता भएका ब्यक्तिहरुका सवाल, उपचार, पहिचान, अधिकार, अवस्था र सफलताका अभ्यास, अपाङ्गता पहिचान विषयमा परामर्श सेवाका विषयमा जानकारी गराइएको थियो । हाम्रो समुदायमा भएका अपाङ्गताको किसिम…
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Healing Pradip’s foot

Healing Pradip’s foot

Two years ago, the Bohora family was full of joy as they had a baby boy. Pradip Bohora was born to his family in Shikhar Municipality in Doti District. People in rural communities in Nepal believe that having a boy will bring prestige to the family. Pradip was born without any complications, but when he was five months old, his mother noticed there was something wrong with his right foot. This led the family on a journey of shame and then happiness as they found healing for Pradip. Pradip’s family had five members and his parents were farmers. The family…
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Life is much easier for Pushpa now

Life is much easier for Pushpa now

Eleven-years-old Pushpa Kumari Rawat lives wither family of seven at Purbichowki Rural Municipality of Doti. About 20 kilometres from the district headquarter is her house where she, her mother, three sisters and one brother live. Undergoing surgery has made her day to day life easier and comfortable. Born in a poor family as an elder daughter and to be affected with bone Bone Tuberculosis (TB) at the very young age of two and a half years was a very painful and challenging situation to be in for Puspa. Despite financial issues, Pushpa’s father Yogendra Rawat took her to India for…
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